How do I create a nonprofit?

LaCharla Figgs

Last Update há 3 anos

To create a U.S. nonprofit, you must create a corporation in your state -- or the state in which you'd like to operate the nonprofit. Different states have different terms for nonprofit organizations, including non-stock corporation, not-for-profit, public benefit organization, and non-profit corporation.

To find information in your state for forming such an organization, you should be able to search for "forming a nonprofit in _____," with your state's name in the blank.

Expect to submit "Articles of Incorporation," a document with a series of paragraphs (article) that provide basic information about your organization. This includes the organization's legal, purpose, location, and founder, among others. Rules for the content and format of the Articles of Incorporation vary from state to state. So do the application fees and the length of time needed for the state to approve your submission.

Once approved by the state, the Articles of Incorporation serve as a kind of birth certificate for the new nonprofit.

No one can own a nonprofit, so before you submit the Articles, you'll need to appoint a governing body, often called the board of directors. Your state's rules will tell you the number of directors that are required, as well as, their qualifications. Even though one person may be the organization's founder, the board has legal responsibility for the organization.

If you're like most nonprofit founders, you'll also want to apply to the Internal Revenue Service to be exempt from federal income taxes after the state has approved your new corporation.

Once IRS has approved your application, you'll have a tax-exempt nonprofit--or in IRS language--a tax-exempt public charity.

That is, unless you intend to create a foundation. Charitable foundations often carry out the same functions as public charities, but the IRS rules and tax treatment are considered less favorable for foundations.

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